Land stays functional
We do not encumber the land and you can continue profiting from the land as it is, till the energy project is ready to build (36-48 months process).
– Scott Oliver (Broker, Accredited Land Consultant, Mason & Morse Ranch Company)
Our job starts with finding the right land!
Benefits to landowners & communities
Renewables projects provide a tremendous upside to maximize land value overtime and help accelerate the transition to a greener economy.
We do not encumber the land and you can continue profiting from the land as it is, till the energy project is ready to build (36-48 months process).
Flexible land lease or purchase options for additional income that can be sustained up to 45 years.
Energy cashflow under the lease once operational tends to increase land value.
Substantial economic development for benefit of local communities. Increased tax basis once plant is fully operational.
If your land is suitable for both solar and agriculture, agrivoltaics offers a growing opportunity to combine solar panels with farming to sustain large-scale food production. By producing renewable energy, you can also significantly reduce energy costs.